Dress Code for Women

Your presence to our special day will be a great gift for us. Since it will be a once-in-our-lifetime day, we would appreciate if you can wear your best dress and shirts as well.

Here are few reminders on your outfit and we would appreciate if you abide them:

1. Please make November 8, 2014 a NO-JEANS day. In as much as it gives us comfort throughout the day, it doesn't fit our theme.

2. No wearing of plain black dresses. We would like to see colorful dresses and pretty faces.

3. Spare yourself from wearing whites as well. You don't want to be mistaken as the bride, right? :)

4. Heels or no heels, its okay! You may dance the night away with your trusty flats!

For your reference, here are some of the attires you may want to consider (and replicate):

For women:

We are excited to see you dress up! :)

Louie and Dheng